Wednesday, June 13, 2012


 In "From Barbies to Bills" I hope to explore the beautiful, if not painful experiences that a post-graduate experiences in the year (or years) after college.  I really should have started on this blog a year ago.  The therapeutic benefits from writing about the painful transition of a Division I pampered, college athlete to the harsh reality of becoming an "adult" would have served me well throughout the year.  But better late than never, right?

 It seems like only a moment ago that I was obsessing over Barbies.  Obsession isn't even a fair word for what I felt towards Barbies. Truthfully, I was out of my mind consumed with the plastic, anatomically incorrect dolls.  So much so, that when I was little my dad would try to convey his parental lessons with them.  Phrases such as "I never want to date" or "Boys are gross" or "One day, I hope to join a convent" were commonly heard in a mock-girly voice from my "man's man" of a father.
With what seems like the snap of a finger I went from a carefree child, completely oblivious to monetary value, to the owner of a variety of different bills (and not the good kind).  I went from obsessing over the miniature dolls to obsessing over how I would pay any one of my bills.

Above: Me at 2 years-old wishing I was a "grome up" (which is how we said "grown-up in our house)

Money is a concern for any recent college graduate.  However, I added a little twist to the usual scenario.  I decided to put off getting a job for a year and pursue my dreams.  One of which was traveling to an orphanage in Romania last August.  The other dream was pursuing my goal of making the Olympic Trials time in the 100 butterfly.  In contrast to what I've always known, this time swimming would not pay.   Every other step in my life came with a benefit from swimming.  While in high school, I knew I'd be able to get into schools with help from my swimming.  While in college, I wasn't drowning in debts I couldn't afford because of my swimming scholarship.  But this year, it was different.  Suddenly, I had to figure out how to eat healthier, yet cheaper.  I had to figure out how to swim 9 times a week in an unknown city where I knew no one.  In other words, it was time to grow up.

Hopefully through my "From Barbies to Bills" blog I can convey the joys and consequences of following your dreams and the pros and cons of growing up in an age where advancement takes precedence over following ones dreams.
